Salient Features
- User Friendly Touch Screen Monitor Operating Console integrated with Image Acquisition Software with Advanced Noise and Distortion reduction technology and optimised image calibration technology minimises radiation dose.
- X-Ray images are displayed in the integrated Touch Screen System, which helps in faster and easier imaging procedure eliminating the lengthy digitising procedures.
- Light-Weight & Compact MobileDR System with Automatic up-down movement.
- Superior Image Quality due to High Matrix Resolution pixels and High Contrast Rate.
- It features reliable Automatic Exposure Detection, dependable wireless performance and long battery life.
- 140 µm pixel pitch, with 16 bit AD conversion for more image details.
- Operating at Single Phase (230V/15 Amps) with inbuilt voltage stabiliser and inbuilt UPS.
- Anatomical Programme (APR) with film density control in which exposure factors Viz. KV and mAs are automatically selected depending upon the physique of the patient and part of the body to be radiographed.
- Inbuilt microcontroller based electronic overload protection device.
- Self-diagnostic programme which ensures system check and error display, thereby improving fast fault detection.
- Versatile Mechanics i.e compact & lightweight and can be taken through elevators with ease.